Sunday, June 5, 2011

Baby A

At my doctors appointment, a week and a half ago, we had an ultrasound (as usual), but this time while we were waiting for the doc, The ultrasound tech did a 4D ultrasound. Baby B was shy, and wouldn't let us see her sweet face, but we got this one of Baby A (Of course, her nose isn't that big). I remember having 4D ultrasounds with Riley and being worried that she would have a big nose. Of course, that was not the case, and she was absoulutely georgous! It sure makes us super excited to see the real thing! I mean, seriously, look at those sweet little lips!! Oh man, modern technology is AMAZING!

1 comment:

Anne B. said...

I never did that with mine, but WHOA! That WOULD make it all too exciting! Does it make the waiting game harder? :) (And there's no way your girls are going to be anything less than perfect. Look at your other kids! :) )