This weekend we welcomed Jace's little brother Kyle home from his mission in the phillipines. They had arranged for him to fly into the Alamosa airport. Since it is so tiny, there aren't exactally any direct flights from LA (which is where he entered the country), so he had to make a stop in Denver. We were lucky because he ended up having an overnight layover, so we got to spend a whole day with him. It was fun to be at the airport to welcome him home with bells and wistles (litterally). It is great to have him home and safe!
Those of you who know Jace very well, know that this is not an unusual sight at our house. He is such a good daddy and loves to play with the girls and make them laugh.
Riley started a new session of swimming lessons this week. She is doing great and seems to catch on quickly, and she just loves it.Almost every day she asks me if she has swim. Sorry the pictures are horrible. It is really dark in there, and hard to get a nice picture.
This weekend we went to La Jara to work on the cabin and to take some engagement photos for one of Jace's cousin and her hubby to be. It was a productive weekend. I was excited to get my hands on some power tools. I spent some quality time with the saw cutting most of the wood that day (you are allowed to think I am cool now. Haha.)We made good progress, and are one step closer to having it completely closed up before winter. Now we pretty much just have windows and doors left on the outside, and a bit of tin on the roof. As for the photoshoot, it went well, and we had fun shooting these two love birds.
This was my first official wedding cake, and I am so glad it was for Michelle! It certainly had some imperfections, but overall, I was pleased. I also want to say thanks to Grandma Nancy and Papa Rod for taking the girls to the zoo that day. It was much easier, and less stressful to be able to do the cake without any 2 and 4 year old "helpful" hands!
I haven't posted in a while because we have been SUPER busy. We have had a busy wedding season this year, which means hours and hours of editing photos (I will post a few pics from our recent weddings soon). Our last wedding was our favorite, because it was Michelle and Tone's wedding (Michelle Bird for those of you from Duchesne). The birds came and stayed with us for a couple days before the wedding. It was a blast having them here. I unfortunately didn't take any pictures, except these ones...that is unless you are counting the thousands we took at the wedding:)