I made this cake for Jace and his brother Heath for thier graduation from CU. I had fun making the cake, and the girls had a great time eating the frosting out of the bowl after I was finished. The graduation ceremony is tomorrow, so I will post those pictures later.
The girls had a great time playing in the snow today. And they looked so cute in their snow-suits that I had to take some pictures. I loved Riley's choice of accessorizing her snow-suit with her sunglasses. Nice touch Ri! Payton liked the snow too, until her glove fell off and she realized that, "hey, all this white stuff is really cold!" She was happy again after I put her glove back on. Don't I have the cutest girls in the world! I am a lucky mom!!
Riley LOVES it when I have sewing projects, because she gets all of my scrap fabric to make her own "projects." In these pictures she was making what she said was a "mouse house." I am not sure where this idea came from, and quite frankly, I don't see it...but that is what she decided it was going to be. She has quite an imagination!
I have been pretty busy with sewing projects this past week. I made some bags for some foster-children Christmas care packages that we put together for Activity Day Girls. Riley and Payton loved them so much that I made them each one with some spare fabric that I had. I also made more fleece scarfs for the packages. Last, but not least, I made the girls' Christmas dresses. I was having a hard time finding any that I loved that were in my price-range, so when I found this fabric on sale for $1.99 a yard, I decided that I would make them myself this year. Riley's is the green one, and Payton's is the Purple one. At some point I will get a picture of the girls actually wearing the dresses. They are cuter on a body that on a hanger.
On our way home from La Jara, we ended up getting stuck in traffic for hours. What is normally a 4 hour drive, turned into an 8 1/2 hour drive. Riley decided that if she sang a song, it would make the traffic go away. In the first video Riley conned Aunt Stephanie into singing with her, the second video was probably about 15 minutes later, and she got everyone to sing with her. If the tune sounds familiar...it probably is. Just think Little Mermaid.
Jace and I didn't really take any pictures at Thanksgiving (shocking, I know). SO here are a few random pictures other people took...and no we didn't have spaghetti for The big feast, that picture of Payton was taken the weekend before Thanksgiving while the girls spent a few days with Grandma Kaye and Grandpa Dwight before Jace and I arrived for the big day.
This is my final cake for wilton course 3. It is a fondant cake, with fondant roses. The roses and leaves took me about 6 1/2 hours. If anyone ever wonders why fondant cakes are so expensive...that is why. But they are so beautiful that they are worth it!
Last night I thought I had cleaned off the table after dinner. I apparently forgot one thing...the kool-aid. I guess Payton couldn't resist, and she climbed up on the table after I left the room, and enjoyed helping herself to some of the red, face-staining delight. I think her face will be red for a couple days. I couldn't even get it off with soap. The pictures of the girls in the bath are AFTER I had washed her face!
Today we had Cannon and Lindy over to play for a while while Ryan went to work, and Amanda (hopefully) enjoyed some rest, and a little piece and quiet. They had a good time playing outside on such a warm day. I guess they decided it was the perfect picnic weather! I love how they started to pose when they saw me taking pictures.
My sister-in-law Stephanie loved the fleece scarfs that I made for the girls a couple weeks ago, so she decided to make them for all the kids in her class for christmas. She came over and we cut and sewed unitl we had all 15 of them finished. They turned out super cute.
On thursday night, I got to witness the miracle of birth when my friend Amanda had her baby girl (7lbs 2oz, and 19 inches). It was really amazing! It is truly a miracle to see what the human body is capable of. She is such a sweet baby, and I was so glad to be a part of her birth. Thanks Amanda, for letting me be a part of such a personal experience! She was born at 4:00 in the morning, so you will have to cut me some slack in the pictures...not my most attractive moment. No sleep has that effect on people.
Payton has started to climb...on EVERYTHING. She has even figured out how to scale the toilet and cross the grand canyon (using the toilet paper as a stepping stone) to the sink.
Payton Loves to color! Here are a few pictures of her creating a masterpiece. She even holds a crayon(or pen, or whatever she is using) the correct way. I didn't even teach her that. She just figured it out on her own. Genious, I tell you, genious!
This is the cake that I made in my decorating class last night. This was my first time working with fondant. I love it! You just can't replicate the smooth finish that you get with fondant.
This morning we enjoyed the "fall back." we spent the extra time playing with the girls and being lazy before church. The girls discovered pipe-cleaners, and all of it's possibilities. We also got a video of Payton saying her new favorite word. Riley asked Jace to make her some wings. She was confused when they didn't actually work. she loved them so much, that she insisted on wearing them to church.
This Halloween was the warmest Halloween that I can remember in a long time. It was nice to go trick-or-treating and actually be able to see the costumes instead of guessing what they were underneath all the coats. Riley was so excited that she got to wear "princess make-up," and she was so cute holding her dress up so that she wouldn't step on it going up the stairs...a true princess. Payton had a death-grip on her bag, and wouldn't let anyone touch it unless, of course, they were putting more candy in it. She screamed when we had to take it away after we got home.