Last night we decided that it was time to carve our pumpkins. Riley didn't want ANYTHING to do with cleaning out the pumpkins, but she had a lot of fun carving a happy face into her pumpkin. we carved one for Payton as well. The gap-tooth smile reminds me of her. Oh, how I love that gap-tooth grin of hers! I think that they all turned out so great. Pumpkin carving is a fun tradition that we love doing with the girls.
I have been the Activity Day Grils leader for a few months now. It is such a fun calling. I work with the 9-12 year old girls. We have an activity at my house twice a month. Riley loves having the girls come over, and she is always right in the middle of the action. Payton loves all the girls, but has become especially attached to Sarah. As soon as Sarah arrives, Payton becomes her little shaddow. This week we made trick-or-treat bags, and drank some "witches brew" (the girls were fascinated by the effect of the dry ice). Riley decorated a bag as well, and it turned out so cute. She made a nine eyed monster (girl of course). She asked for a little help putting the buttons on, and I also wrote her name on it, but the rest was all her. She can't wait to take it trick-or-treating.
We finally raked up some leaves so the girls could have some fall fun. This is one of the best things about fall when you are a kid. Riley was into jumping into the leaves, and throwing them in the air. Payton just sat in them, tasted a few leaves, and thought it was funny when Riley put leaves on her head. I have to admit that I have some pretty darn cute girls! I have had a hard time choosing which pictures to blog lately, so that is why I have added so many pictures on a few of my more recent posts. Sorry about the image overload.
I have finally started a project that I have been wanting to do for a long time...a wedding/updo portfolio. Here are the first few. I am still deciding which shots will end up in the book, but these are a few strong possibilities. Of course the photography is courtesy of my awesome husband. Thanks Babe!
This is what I have been working on in my wilton cake decorating class. Each week we learned a few new flowers. Last night was the final class in course 2, and we put all of our flowers to use on our final cake ( I even used Riley's "daisy"). I will be starting course 3 next week, and I am excited to learn more. I am becoming addicted to cake decorating!
This weekend we decorated halloween cookies with the fam (and seth and Lexi). It was a lot of fun to see all the silly ideas everyone had...especially the kids! We all ate too much sugar, and had a great time. I had a ton of pictures, so I just posted a good handful of them. Good times!